Timişoara – Biserica de lemn „Sfântul Dimitrie”
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Timişoara – „Saint Dimitrie” Wooden Church

Timişoara, Timiş County
No.7, C.D. Loga Blv. (in the courtyard of Metropolitan of Banat residence)
GPS Coordinates: 45 4503.978 N, 21 13 47.046 E

Access: by tramway: 1, 2, 5, 6 – Metropolitan Cathedral station; by bus: 19 - I.C. Brătianu station; by bus: 22 – I.C. Brătianu station

The church dates from 1774. It was built in Hodos village, situated at approximately 10 km North of Recas. Its consecration day is at “Saint Martyr Dimitrie”. Around 1970, because of its poor preservation, the church was moved, restored and rebuilt inside the courtyard of the Metropolitan of Banat.
The oak wooden building was covered with soil on the outside, a process following its restoration in 1923. As a result of this covering, the layer of painting was destroyed. The framing of the roof was made of oak wood carved with the hatchet and the cover was made of shingles. The interesting cover system made the church the only wooden church in Banat with the Western extremity not ending with a tympanum, but with a curved withdrawn extremity in the shape of an arch that gives the impression of a falt dome. Some of the original XVIIIth century chairs, sculpted in lime wood are still preserved in the church.